Hydrogen Fuel Cells

수소 연료전지

0000128148 • 2024년 2학기 • 전북대학교

Schedule 강의일정

Date Lecture Content Logistics
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Week #1:
1 - Introduction
  • p. 1-4

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Week #2:
2 - Fuel Cells for Transportation - Overview (book 2)
  • p. 1-26

9/16 No Class Chuseok
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Week #4:
3 - Electrochemistry and Thermodynamics
  • p. 5-105

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Week #5:
3 - Electrochemistry and Thermodynamics II
  • p. 107-220

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Week #6:
4 - Hydrogen Production I
No Class Hangul Day
  • p. 107-220

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Week #7:
4 - Hydrogen Production II
  • p. 221-272

10/21 Midterm Test
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Week #9:
4 - Hydrogen Production III
  • p. 221-272

A4 Template
How To
SLR Example
PPT Examples

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Week #10:
5 - Hydrogen Storage, Transmission, Conversion
  • p. 49-89

Research Update

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Week #11:
6 - Fuel Cell Types
  • p. 149-220

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Week #12:
7 - Fuel Cell Systems
  • p. 221-272

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Week #13:
8 - Implementation Scenarios I
  • p. 273-411

First Draft Submission

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Week #14:
8 - Implementation Scenarios II
  • p. 413-491

PPT Template
Short Example
Long Example

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Week #15:
8 - Implementation Scenarios III & Research Presentations
  • p. 463-491

12/16 Final Test
FINAL Paper & PPT Upload
Team Member Feedback


Overview 개요

Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Science Direct Link

In a multidisciplinary field such as energy, Hydrogen and Fuel Cells stands out by covering the entire width of hydrogen production and usage technologies, giving detailed descriptions of not just one but the range of very different fuel cells that have been developed or are under development.

In one volume, respected experts Bent Sorensen and Giuseppe Spazzafumo provide all the basic scientific theory underlying hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, but at the same time present applications and sustainable integration into society in a way accessible to a broad range of people working in this field, whether in technical, economic or management roles. The third edition reflects both recently emerged technologies and the market penetration of the most promising technologies, and it gives an appraisal of how far fuel cell technology may go in the future, considering current challenges and economic trends.

This new edition has updated and expanded content on hydrogen storage and transmission, molten carbonate fuel cells, PEM fuel cells, solid oxide fuel cells, biofuel cells, including microbial fuel cells, applications in transportation and power plants, future scenarios and life-cycle assessment. It is ideal for researchers and professionals in the field of energy, and renewable energy in particular, both in academia and industry. It is also useful to lecturers and graduate students in engineering, physics, and environmental sciences, as well as professionals involved in energy or environmental regulation and policy.

Key Features

Textbook 교재

  1. Text: Hydrogen and Fuel Cells: Emerging Technologies and Applications
  2. Author: Sorensen, Bent / Spazzafumo, Giuseppe
  3. Publisher: Academic Press | 2018년 02월 14일


Resources 자료실

Research Project

Research Paper Search Engines


Logistics 수업운영

Course Information / 과정정보

This course focuses on the latest Hydrogen Fuel Cell technologies and their applications. The course will cover the basic principles of hydrogen production, storage, and fuel cell operation. The course will also cover the latest research and development in the field of hydrogen fuel cells.

We will use a combination of lectures and videos to cover the material. The course will be graded based on attendance, participation, tests, and a final project.


Policies 규정

Grading 평가방법

The class requirements include attendance, participation, a team research paper and presentation, and 2 tests. The grading breakdown is as follows:

Attendance (& Participation)

I appreciate everyone being actively involved in the class! Students who will succeed are those who are actively involved:

Research Project & Presentation

There will be a final (team) research project and presentation. various practice exercises we will do together in class. There will also be some homework assignments for you to do on your own at home and submit online. We may also have some in-class quizzes to be submitted online. These assignments may contain material that has been covered by published papers and webpages.

There will be (at least) three projects in this class (HTML, CSS, JavaScript). You will be required to submit a URL with your code or results.


There will be two tests in this class: a midterm and a final. Both tests may include both written and programming questions. The written questions will be similar to the homework questions, and the programming questions will be similar to the programming assignments. Written questions will be closed-book, and programming questions will be open-book (i.e., you can use any resources you want, including the Internet).


Collaboration Policy

Homework assignments must be done individually: each student must hand in their own answers. However, it is acceptable to collaborate when figuring out answers and to help each other solve the problems. We will be assuming that you will be taking the responsibility to make sure you personally understand the solution arising from such collaboration. You also must indicate on each homework with whom you have collaborated.

Late Policy

You will be allowed 6 total homework late days without penalty for the entire semester. You may be late by up to 6 days on any homework assignment. Once those days are used, you will be penalized according to the following policy:

You must turn in 75% of the practices and assignments, even if for zero credit, in order to pass the course.

Regrade Policy

If you feel that we have made a mistake in grading your homework, please submit a regrading request via email and I will consider your request. Please note that regrading of a homework may cause your grade to go either up or down.


Instructor 강사소개

Aaron Snowberger earned his Ph.D. in Information and Communications Engineering from Hanbat National University in South Korea in 2024. He also holds degrees in Computer Science and Media Design. He has taught technology courses for over 8 years, English for over 15 years, and has freelanced as a web developer and magazine designer for over 5 years. His current research interests include computer vision, natural language processing, image processing, signal processing, and machine learning.

Aaron Snowberger는 2024년 한국 한밭대학교에서 정보통신공학 박사 학위를 취득했습니다. 그는 또한 컴퓨터 과학 및 미디어 디자인 학위를 취득했습니다. 그는 8년 이상 기술 과정을 가르쳤고, 15년 이상 영어를 가르쳤으며, 5년 이상 웹 개발자 및 잡지 디자이너로 프리랜서로 일했습니다. 그의 현재 연구 관심사는 컴퓨터 비전, 자연어 처리, 이미지 처리, 신호 처리 및 머신 러닝입니다.
